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Claiming Child Trust Fund cash

Claiming Child Trust Fund cash

If you turned 18 on or after 1 September 2020 there may be cash waiting for you in a dormant Child Trust Fund (CTF). If your children recently turned 18 you should also check if they have claimed the money to which they are entitled. The actual amount of money...
Final warning to use MTD for VAT

Final warning to use MTD for VAT

The Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT regime started in April 2019 when businesses with a turnover above the VAT threshold of £85,000 became mandated to keep their records digitally and provide their VAT return information to HMRC using MTD compatible software....
NI Trader Support Service extended

NI Trader Support Service extended

The Trader Support Service was designed to help businesses moving goods under the Northern Ireland Protocol after the Brexit transition period came to an end. Under the Northern Ireland Protocol, all Northern Ireland businesses continue to have access to the whole UK...
Employing someone step by step

Employing someone step by step

There are a multitude of rules and regulations that you must be aware of when you employ staff. HMRC’s guidance (entitled Employ someone: step by step) sets out some important issues to be aware of when taking on a new employee. This includes the following:...
Statutory interest

Statutory interest

Taxpayers that are owed VAT repayments by HMRC are entitled to claim statutory interest under certain circumstances. Where this is the case, a claim should be made in writing to HMRC. VATA s78 (11) requires all claims for statutory interest to be made within four...