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Check which EORI number is required

Check which EORI number is required

The Economic Operators' Registration and Identification System (EORI) was setup as a European Union (EU) wide initiative that helps businesses communicate with customs officials when they are importing and exporting goods. The EORI allows businesses to provide...
Accountancy expenses arising out of an enquiry

Accountancy expenses arising out of an enquiry

HMRC’s internal manual offer some revealing insights as to the treatment of accountancy expenses arising out of an enquiry. As a matter of course, HMRC allows companies to claim a tax deduction for normal accountancy expenses incurred in preparing accounts or...
PAYE settlement agreements

PAYE settlement agreements

A PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA) allows employers to make one annual payment to cover all the tax and National Insurance due on small or irregular taxable expenses or benefits for their employees. The expenses or benefits included in a PSA must belong to one of the...
Tell HMRC if your company is dormant

Tell HMRC if your company is dormant

If a company has stopped trading and has no other income, then the company is usually classed as dormant for Corporation Tax purposes.  A company is usually dormant for Corporation Tax if it: has stopped trading and has no other income, for example investments is...
Reclaiming VAT

Reclaiming VAT

For most fully taxable businesses, VAT can be reclaimed on goods and services used in the course and furtherance of their business activities. This means that businesses must consider where there is personal or private use of goods or services bought for the business...