by Admin | Mar 16, 2023 | Pension
One of the key measures of the Spring Budget was the announcement that the £40,000 cap on annual pension contributions will be increased by 50% to £60,000 from 6 April 2023. Tax relief for contributions to pension schemes is given at a taxpayer’s...
by Admin | Mar 9, 2023 | Pension
Automatic enrolment for workplace pensions has helped many employees make a start on providing for their retirement with the advantage that employers and government are also contributing to their pension pot. The law states that employers must automatically...
by Admin | Jan 5, 2023 | Pension
Under current rules, you can claim tax relief for your private pension contributions. The annual allowance for tax relief on pensions is £40,000 for the current tax year. There is a three year carry forward rule that allows you to carry forward any...
by Admin | Dec 8, 2022 | Pension
A defined contribution pension (sometimes referred to as a money purchase pension scheme) is a type of pension scheme where the pension pot is based on how much money is paid into the scheme. This is markedly different to a defined benefit pension schemes which...
by Admin | Nov 17, 2022 | Pension
Under current rules, you can claim tax relief for your private pension contributions within certain limitations. The current annual allowance for tax relief on pension contributions is £40,000. You can also carry forward any unused amount of your...
by Admin | Sep 15, 2022 | Pension
The pension savings annual allowance for tax relief on pensions has been fixed at £40,000 since 6 April 2014. The annual allowance is further reduced for high earners. Since 6 April 2020, the tapered annual allowance increased from £150,000 to...
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