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Half-term help with childcare costs

Half-term help with childcare costs

HMRC is reminding parents that they may be eligible for Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) to help pay for October half-term holiday clubs and wraparound care during the school terms. The TFC scheme can help parents of children aged up to 11 years old (17 for those with certain...
Donations through Gift Aid

Donations through Gift Aid

The Gift Aid scheme is available to all UK taxpayers. The charity or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) concerned can take a taxpayer’s donation and, provided all the qualifying conditions are met, can reclaim the basic rate tax allowing for an extra 25p of...
Deadlines 2021-22 Self-Assessment tax return

Deadlines 2021-22 Self-Assessment tax return

The 2021-22 tax return deadline for taxpayers who continue to submit paper Self-Assessment returns is 31 October 2022. Late submission of a Self-Assessment return will become liable to a £100 late filing penalty. The penalty usually applies even if there is no...
Jeopardy amendments

Jeopardy amendments

A jeopardy amendment can be made to a taxpayer’s Self-Assessment return as part of an S9A general enquiry. A jeopardy amendment should only be made where an HMRC officer believes there is an imminent risk of a loss of tax to the Crown unless the assessment is...
What Self-Assessment items can be stoodover by HMRC?

What Self-Assessment items can be stoodover by HMRC?

A stand over can be used to postpone certain Self-Assessment payments due to HMRC. There are two types of stand over payments, a formal stand over and an informal stand over. A formal stand over is used to stand over any Self-Assessment charge against which a...
Income Tax in Scotland

Income Tax in Scotland

The Scottish rate of income tax (SRIT) is payable on the non-savings and non-dividend income of those defined as Scottish taxpayers. The definition of a Scottish taxpayer is generally focused on the question of whether the taxpayer has a 'close connection'...