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Letting agencies and the Money Laundering Regulations

Letting agencies and the Money Laundering Regulations

HMRC is responsible for the money laundering supervision of certain businesses including letting agencies. Businesses that HMRC is responsible for supervising should be aware of the requirement to register with HMRC and the penalties for failing to register. It is a...
Want to complain about HMRC?

Want to complain about HMRC?

Taxpayers may find themselves in a position where they need to make a complaint about HMRC’s service. Complaints can relate to many different issues such as unreasonable delays, mistakes and poor treatment by HMRC’s staff. Note, there is a separate...
Income excluded from UK property business

Income excluded from UK property business

HMRC publishes a list of income streams that are excluded from a UK property business. The list includes fishing concerns, hotels and guest houses, tied premises, caravan sites, lodgers and tenants in their own home, extra services to tenants and letting surplus...
Rental business – post cessation transactions

Rental business – post cessation transactions

There are special rules for the taxation of post-cessation transactions after a trade has ceased. The legislation clearly states that the person who receives or is entitled to the post-cessation receipt is the person who is subject to Income Tax or Corporation Tax on...
Income excluded from a property business

Income excluded from a property business

HMRC publishes a list of income streams that are excluded from a UK property business. The list includes fishing concerns, hotels and guest houses, tied premises, caravan sites, lodgers and tenants in your own home, extra services to tenants and letting surplus trade...
Tax if you divorce or separate

Tax if you divorce or separate

If you are a couple that is getting separated or divorced, apart from the emotional stress, there are also tax issues that can have significant implications. Whilst this is unlikely to be uppermost in your mind it is important that the tax consequences of the break-up...