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COVID – beating the bug

COVID – beating the bug

Although it cannot be understated, that COVID has resulted in widespread personal tragedies and business hardships, there are stories circulating of businesses that have managed to buck the downward trend. Very often this is due to being in the right sector to take...
Temporary carry back of losses

Temporary carry back of losses

A new temporary extension to the eligible carry back period for trading losses has been announced. This will allow trading losses to be carried back for three years (rather than one). The extension to the relief applies to both incorporated...
Lending to fund losses

Lending to fund losses

One of the Chancellors key announcements in the Budget last week was to replace the government guaranteed Bounce Back and Business Interruption loans – due to end for new applications from 31 March 2021 – with a new Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS). The RLS is...
Breaking even – a moveable feast

Breaking even – a moveable feast

In our previous newsfeeds we have described how you can calculate the level of turnover you need to create in order to meet all your costs whether they be fixed costs (rent, rates etc.,) or variable costs (goods you need to buy to convert into goods you sell)....
Capital or debt?

Capital or debt?

What is the difference between capital and debt, and why is the distinction important? One important distinction is that capital represents the amount of funds introduced by shareholders, partners or sole traders plus any retained profits that the business has created...