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Dividend tax increase announced

Dividend tax increase announced

The 1,25% increase in NIC contributions from April 2022 will be mirrored by a similar increase in the tax charge on dividends. From April 2022, the dividend tax increases will apply as follows: Basic rate taxpayers will see an increase from the present 7.5% to...
Scope and legal basis of VAT

Scope and legal basis of VAT

The scope and legal basis of how VAT is charged on taxable supplies is defined as follows in the VAT Act 1994: VAT shall be charged on any supply of goods or services made in the United Kingdom, where it is a taxable supply made by a taxable person in the course or...
Income excluded from UK property business

Income excluded from UK property business

HMRC publishes a list of income streams that are excluded from a UK property business. The list includes fishing concerns, hotels and guest houses, tied premises, caravan sites, lodgers and tenants in their own home, extra services to tenants and letting surplus...
Tax treatment of incentive award schemes

Tax treatment of incentive award schemes

Companies use incentive award schemes to encourage their employees in various ways. For example, to sell more of their own goods and services. The award can be in various forms including cash, vouchers or other gifts. Where an employer meets the tax payable on a...